Advanced Kamashi

Advanced Kamashi

Kevin Kmetz
11 Students enrolled
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Advanced Kamashi

Kamashi is the hallmark technique of the tsugaru style, and is probably the most recognizable phrase in Jonkara pieces. Even those who’ve rarely heard tsugaru shamisen recognize that phrase, and no doubt it is the first thing beginners want to learn!

In this course, I will show you the standard kamashi forms which are incorporated most tsugaru pieces. Once you can comfortably play the basic kamashi form, you have instantly prepared yourself for learning other kamashi variations as well as countless phrases used in modern Tsugaru Jonkara forms.

Afterwards, Kevin will teach you his original Advanced Kamashi techniques, skills that have made him legendary in the shamisen world!

This is exclusive content you won’t find anywhere else! If you are interested in the tsugaru style, this is the course you need!

Techniques Used in This Piece - Basic Kamashi Form
Chapter 2 - Basic Kamashi Form
Techniques Used in this Piece - 4th Kamashi Form
Chapter 15 - 4th Kamashi Form
Chapter 16 - 4th Kamashi Form
Chapter 17 - 4th Kamashi Form
Chapter 22 - Advanced Kamashi: Part 1
Chapter 23 - Advanced Kamashi: Part 1
Chapter 26 - Advanced Kamashi: Part 2
Chapter 27 - Advanced Kamashi: Part 2
Chapter 28 - Bonus Content!
Chapter 30 - Bonus Content!
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