Final ShamiBuddy Release! (July 1st, 2022)
At last, the newest ShamiBuddy is here! Built with Cherry, Maple and Black Walnut, this is the most luxurious model I’ve made, and the colors match so perfectly! I’ve fixed some small “bugs” here and there, but basically the build quality is about the same as the V2. It’s a perfect shamisen instrument for any newcomer or experienced player who wants a durable shamisen to comfortably play around the house.
Note: Due to the amount of time and focus required to make ShamiBuddy, I’ve decided that this will the last batch of ShamiBuddy I’ll make for the next few years. I’m so thrilled that the ShamiBuddy has been such an important instrument to bring newcomers into the Shamisen world, but I’m also feeling the urge to make new educational materials (informative videos as well as a new edition of my Shamisen of Japan book). With many responsibilities and limited time in the day, it feels appropriate to pause ShamiBuddy production for the near future. However, if you’ve missed your chance to get a ShamiBuddy, fear not! My partners and I are making arrangements to make more affordable shamisen available, so the quest for shamisen accessibility is still a thing!