Sale!This is a very high-end Tsugaru Shamisen made-to-order by Tokyo…
Sale!To learn more about the Shamibuddy or the accompanying accessory…
Sale!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqW8lIoATN4 At Bachido, we know that shamisen are very expensive…
Sale!To learn more about the Starling Shamisen please click on…
Out of stockHere's some stats about this used shamisen! Wood: Kouki Skin:…
Out of stockHere's some stats about this used shamisen! Wood: Karin Skin:…
Out of stockHere's some stats about this used shamisen! Wood: Karin Skin:…
Out of stockHere's some stats about this used shamisen! Wood: Shitan Skin:…
Out of stockHere's some stats about this used shamisen! Wood: Kouki Skin:…
Out of stockHere's some stats about this used shamisen! Wood: Karin Skin:…
Out of stockHere's some stats about this used shamisen! Wood: Shitan Skin:…
Out of stockHere's some stats about this used shamisen! Wood: Kouki Skin:…