“What?? I have to spend that much money just to begin shamisen??” Those are words uttered by many newcomers to shamisen. It’s no secret that shamisen has been an expensive world to enter. Years ago, it cost an average of $800 just to get a low quality, entry-level shamisen (made in China)! Thanks to our direct connections with shamisen makers, we were able to bring the Beginner’s Shamisen (made in Japan) to the world for a fraction of the retail price!

While the Beginner’s Shamisen opened the doors to the shamisen world for many people, the total price combined with accessories still made starting shamisen difficult for some. At Bachido, our goal is to provide accessibility for all to enjoy this three stringed instrument. Having over 13 years of experience building professional shamisen for personal use, I decided it was time to use those skills to create an even more affordable shamisen with a streamlined design.
In 2019, The ShamiBuddy was born! Built from high quality woods, this streamlined shamisen is a perfect way to enter the global shamisen world. It’s light weight is easy for everyone to hold, and the tight synthetic skin yields a clear, resonant tone. The ShamiBuddy is 100% designed and built by Kyle Abbott, the Founder of Bachido (that’s me!), at Bachido HQ in Santa Cruz, California!
- Size: Futozao (30mm wide)
- Dou: Cedar (Finger jointed)
- Skin: Hibiki – Synthetic Skin (Black/White)
- Sao: Cherry
- Special Feature: Sao topped with Black Walnut
- Tenjin: Cherry
- Itomaki: Maple
- Hardware: Kamigoma
Strong & Streamlined
The curves of a Japanese shamisen are beautiful. Although I love the shamisen as a work of art, the beautiful curves are easy to break. Knowing how easy the curved tenjin can chip, I feel anxious when playing shamisen outside or at a party. Because of this, I redesigned the shamisen so it could be easily played anywhere with ease! Enjoy it at home after work, play it in the park, or share it with your friends/family!
Shaped for Comfort
The ShamiBuddy matches the average size of a Futozao shamisen. Because the sao (neck) is the same length as a standard shamisen, a Fujaku (position mark strip) can be fitted on the ShamiBuddy so you can easily start playing your favorite songs from the Bachido Schoolhouse! (The Fujaku is included with the Best Buddy model)

The ShamiBuddy’s dou (body) matches the outside curve of a standard Size 5 shamisen dou (for tsugaru shamisen). Combined with the light weighted materials, it is very easy to pick up and play anywhere!

Special Bonus!
To help you get started with your brand-new ShamiBuddy, I am including several learning materials for free!
- Bachido Shamisen Crash Course
- Premium Shamisen Course: Sakura
- Premium Shamisen Course: Ringo Bushi
- Premium Shamisen Course: Yasaburo Bushi
- Note: A Bachido membership (free) is required to access the courses.
Helpful Videos
The ShamiBuddy is Sold Out
The ShamiBuddy V3
Includes full ShamiBuddy Accessory Set with FREE professional setup.
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