Make Your Own Kamigoma!

The standard kamigoma (metal nut) is a thin piece of brass (or such material) set under the two thinner strings to make them resonate clearly.

If you have acquired an old shamisen through Ebay or family, there’s a chance it’s missing the kamigoma. This often occurs because the old glue (bonding the kamigoma to the wood) has disintegrated and the strip of metal easily falls off.

You can easily replace the kamigoma by getting a brand new one at the Bachido Store, or you can try…

Making Your Own!

It is quite easy to make a kamigoma and only takes five or ten minutes if you have, or can borrow some tools. To make your own kamigoma, you only need a strip of metal (16mm long by 8mm wide by 1mm thick).

You can get thin sheet metal from a hardware store, or even cut a piece out of an old soup can! Really, no special “magical” metal is needed.

An awesome Soup Can Kamigoma made by a Bachido member!

Step by Step

1. Start with a 1mm thick strip of metal, 16mm long by 8mm wide.2023-01-31T01:58:22+00:00
2. Bend it length-wise at a 90-degree angle so that 5mm is on one side of the bend and 3mm is on the other side.2023-01-31T01:58:22+00:00
3. Use a file or fine sandpaper to smooth the edges.2023-01-31T01:58:22+00:00
4. Position the kamigoma.2023-01-31T01:58:22+00:00
5. Put a drop or two of superglue on the 5mm side.2023-01-31T01:58:22+00:00

(Mandatory: Watch video BEFORE positioning)

6. Firmly press it to the underside of the tenjin.2023-01-31T01:58:22+00:00
7. Attach the strings, and you’re ready to rock!2023-01-31T01:58:22+00:00
By |2023-12-06T22:59:52+00:00February 21, 2016|Shamipedia|0 Comments

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