


The third album by Monsters of Shamisen!

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Resonance continues the Monsters of Shamisen tradition of conscientiously fusing tsugaru shamisen with a variety of cultural styles. Similar to Stellar, the main focus is respecting the song’s heritage, and then feeling how the shamisen can be incorporated properly. This is not an ordinary album of a shamisen backed up with eclectic instruments. Resonance is about bringing all instruments together, giving their unique charms to each song, harmonizing like musical friends gathered to sing. The true feeling of resonance.
—Kyle Abbott, producer

Album art designed in France by the creative (yet tasteful) Samuel Mann! If you are making any project and would like solid, professional artwork, feel free to contact Samuel! (


Kevin Kmetz (shamisen, gottan, guitar, vocals [04])
Masahiro Nitta (shamisen, gottan, vocals [04])
Kyle Abbott (shamisen, mandolin, ukulele, cello, igil, pan flute, taiko, percussion, throat-singing, vocals)
Special guests: Mason Hutchingson – bass (1)(4); Christopher Palermo – percussion (6)(9); Greg Weber – trumpet (6); Linus Tremaine – trombone (6); Hiroshi Nitta – shamisen (5); Jorge Jara – vocals (7); Luke Abbott – guitar, strings (3)(4)(9); Leslie Abbott – vocals (7); Carl Abbott – shakuhachi (10);


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