Everything you need to know about the Shamisen!
The Birth of Tsugaru
(Taken from the book Shamisen of Japan) The Tsugaru style of shamisen is said to have been created by goze, blind female musicians who belonged to a guild and traveled widely, singing epic poems and popular songs of the time accompanied with the shamisen. However, blind men [...]
Caring for your Shamisen
Tips and tricks to keep your shamisen at it’s best.
Styles of Shamisen
First, let’s learn about the three main sizes of shamisen and a few of the many styles associated with them. Note: The shamisen styles explained below are commonly used with a particular neck size, but please know that the styles don’t necessarily require specific sizes. For example, shamisen for [...]
Brief History of the Shamisen
History of the Shamisen (Taken from the book Shamisen of Japan) This is a brief, rudimentary history of the shamisen which will, at the very least, allow you to sound smart at a drunk party. The shamisen had many forms before it arrived to Japan, though it’s unclear [...]
Evaluating Chuko Shamisen (Used Shamisen)
Chuko Shamisen (Used Shamisen) It’s no secret that decent shamisen (and bachi) are pretty expensive. You may spend over 100,000 yen on a mid range shamisen without accessories. Why is it so expensive? It’s mainly because most retailers will add a 200% (or more) markup, making the retail price [...]