

Everything you need to know about the Shamisen!

How to Install Your New Elite Itomaki

Fun Fact: Itomaki are NOT Plug & Play Itomaki are held in place with friction, and the key to a tight fit is achieving a correct taper so the peg contacts the zagane (metal fitting) just enough. Too much contact, the itomaki is impossible to turn. Too little contact, [...]

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How to Tune the Shamisen

Being a folk instrument, the shamisen is very easy for people to pick up and learn how to play (assuming they allow time to get accustomed to the large plectrum and the whole fretless thing). However, in the beginning, one major difficulty is understanding how the shamisen is tuned. [...]

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Can Left Handers Play Shamisen?

Since establishing Bachido in 2011, one common yet specific question I receive is, “Can I play shamisen as a left-hander, or is right-handed the only way?”. Before I answer that question, I’d like to give my feelings about the general principle. Bear with me. It won’t take long! [...]


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